
LNL Sonic Cleaner Hot Tub 9L

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Product Features

In addition to having 4 transducers, there is a heating element that enhances cleaning action, which is especially useful when cleaning gun parts.

Combined with One Shot® Sonic Clean solution, its microjet action removes carbon residue and other debris from cartridge cases, gun parts and other metal equipment.


  • Cleans internal and external surfaces of cartridge cases and primer pockets.
  • Includes one inner tank for cleaning multiple smaller batches or to use separate solutions at the same time.
  • Hanging cords allow large objects to take full advantage of the ultrasonic energy.
  • Includes small parts basket.
  • De-gas function.
  • 5 temperature settings from 100-140°F.
  • Hot Tub main tank dimensions: 25.5" x 7.0" x 4" (9 Liters/2.3 Gallons)
  • Internal divider tank dimensions (sold separately): 6.7" x 4.7" x 3.2" (1.6 Liters/1.7 Quarts)