
Half Mask RP95M w/ Filter

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Half-mask technical data:

     Shelf life:                           > 10 years

    Certification:                 CSN EN 140:1999

(with P3Q filter)

The half-mask is made of highly resistant materials — polyamide PA12. TPE and VMQ silicone. Temperature range of application: -10 oc to +121 oc

     Weight:                            60 g

Filter technical data:

    Shelf life:                          > 20 years

     Alter efficiency:              > 999999 %

    Certification:                   EN 1432000

      Threaded interßce:         EN 148-1 Rd 40x1/7"

Protection against carcinogenic and radioactive harmful substances and pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungal spores.

Temperature range of application: -10 oc to +50 oc

     Weight:                            100 g

TW P3 Q c«nbined particle filter provides the maximum level of protection corrægonding to the FFP3 class. The protective mask was designed to nificantly reduce the of organisations that use it. The entire mask is developed and manufactured in the Czæh Pepublic.

Disinfection ard sterilization

Half-mask — Autoclave sterilization at 121 oc and 2 bar for 20 minutæ, disinfection in Filter — Disinfection is vxssible with cornmon disinfectants (ea. based on peracetic acid Persteril), sterilization after closing the filter with plugs is possible at temperatures up to 75 cc.