
Canadian Armed Forces Chemical Agent Detection Paper

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The Chemical Agent Liquid Detector papers were designed to meet the need for a simple, rapid method of detecting and differentiating between the 3 Major groups of liquid chemical warfare agents. 

The C8 (used to be called M8) paper uses a 3 color system denoting which specific chemical is present and does not have an adhesive backing, the M9 uses one color for any chemical, comes on a roll and is self-adhesive. The 3-Way detection papers combine the best of both; 3 colors, self-adhesive backing, AND a user-friendly legend.

The Chemical Agent Liquid Detectors can quickly determine the presence or absence of G, V or H agents and the type of agent encountered. As each chemical agent requires the use of different counter-measures for effective protection & treatment, determining the type of Nerve or Mustard agent present enables individuals to take the appropriate protective measures. For the detection of V or G Nerve Vapors, use the Chemical Agent Vapor Detector (NAVD)