
Body Armor Vent B-24 Custom Fit Kit (Model: Half Sheet)

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100058 (ACC-BAV-B24-CFK-HALF)
Usually Ships in 1 to 19 Business Days


  • Ideal for a custom cuts for maximum customization and comfort
  • Patent-pending EVAP technology provide continuous airflow creating evaporative cooling.
  • Air channels keep you cool and dry during the summer and warmer during the winter

The Body Armor Vent's B-24 Custom Fit Kits are designed to be a make-your-own Body Armor Vent custom cut to fit your specific tactical gear. The B-24 was created for the elite operator that truly likes to customize their gear for the perfect fit and comfort.

The B-24 Custom Fit Kit panels featuring our patent-pending evaporation and ventilation technology (EVAP) is the continuous air flow between your body and your gear. Air flow around and through the panel is driven as the hot air expands and your own body movement provides the air flow which then produces evaporative cooling. Air moving over moisture, just like an AC!

Body Armor Vent's proprietary foam filled, vertical air channels force air flow upwards and also through horizontal vent holes to enable true evaporation of sweat from behind your gear. This keeps your body™s temperature down in the summer and your body much drier and warmer in the winter.

Manufacturer: Body Armor Vent

Model (Type): Half


Dimensions: 19.75" (501.65mm) x 11.675" (296.55mm)
Weight: 7oz
Package Includes: Hook and loop tape, Half sheet B-24 sheet