
Personal Mosquito Repeller

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36 JB02543

Stop being an all-you-can-eat buffet for those intolerable mosquitoes every time you want to enjoy an evening in your backyard. The Personal Mosquito Repeller repels mosquitos up to 322 sq. ft. away and gives you twice the repelling power than others out there on the market. The repeller uses a fan to blow the smell of scented citronella pads and sonic sound to keep mosquitos away. The built-in belt clip allows you to secure it around your waist. Two packs each with four citronella scented pads are included. The Personal Mosquito Repeller is also great for hunting and fishing and camping trips.

  • Keep those mosquitoes from eating you for dinner
  • Uses citronella smell and sonic sound to repel
  • Needs two AAA batteries (not included)
  • Built-in belt clip for easy attachment
  • Eight extra citronella pads included